The Things They Carried- conflict resolution

27 Sep

His inner conflicting feelings are mainly that O’Brien has killed a man and has witnessed unheard of things. He is feels guilty for his life and does not know how to handle this, seeming like a trainwreck waiting to happen. O’Brien holds a pair of Kiowa’s sandals and he decides to bring them back to Vietnam, so he travels to there with his nine year old daughter. He then takes his nine year old daughter to the ‘Shit fields’ in Vietnam where Kiowa died. O’Brien finds comfort in dropping Kiowa’s sandals back in the ‘shit fields’ and he gets an overwhelming sensation to go in the shit fields himself. He was possibly reminiscing and he goes in as a baptizing ritual, cleansing himself of is sorrows and grief he’s held the past years. He understands moments later that he should stop thinking of the man he would have been, had it not been for the war, but decides to deal with it. He understands that he uses his story telling as relief and his stories unload his inner burdens, even if he does have to tell his nine year old daughter he killed a man. He gets a sense of relief from this.

One Response to “The Things They Carried- conflict resolution”

  1. johnrich48756 September 27, 2012 at 12:33 pm #

    very true he does use the diving as a short of baptizing ritual to help him come to terms with his own misdeeds.

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